Your colonists have to survive, and thrive, on this new world, because you ain't getting back home any time soon. You don't know what you'll find there, but chances are it won't be friendly. The premise is that your three colonists have had their ship spontaneously explode, catapulting them away in escape pods, leading them to crash-land on an uncharted rim-world. Rimworld is a game I've been playing a fair bit of since the pre-alpha came out, and it's a pretty neat game. Nearly everything is cross compatible and it depends entirely on what sort of experience you want to have. If you want to know what mods to use, turn the workshop to "most subscribed" and "most popular in last 3 months" and pick things you like the look of. Hieronymous Alloy has written a pretty comprehensive guide to many aspects of the game here. If you're new to the game and finding the storyteller is just trying to kill you, or if you want to play it indefinitely, give this a read. Those who wish to purchase the game on steam may do so here. The DRM free version is still available however. Those who have already purchased the game may elect to redeem a steam key here. You will need to script your ship to appear as part of a quest.It is a powerful visual metaphor for my posting. This prevents the ship from appearing randomly. This is the tag you use if you wish to set your ship as a starting station. This is the tag you use if you wish to set your ship as a starting ship. If you do not want your trade ship to attack the player in the random raid events, also add. The player can attack these and they will attempt to fight or flee depending on their chances. Trade ships will appear as, obviously, trade ships. This includes stations and other special ships. Somewhere in between those numbers is a good bet, usually lower than 2000, which is what a Trade Ship carries.Īdd this tag for ships that you'd like to appear as targets, but never to attack the player. 100 isn't worth much, 1000 is a massive amount. This attribute will assign the networth of the loot in the Defined Regions.

Make sure this number is equal to the Combat Points to fill every weapon with a random armament, or a lesser value if you want fewer than maximum turrets. Values assigned to the blue turret icons. A Small Turret is worth 10, and a Large Turret is worth 30. This number is auto-calculated by SOSCK on export. This is the combat value of the ship, used to compare to the player and balance against their available weapons and power generating buildings.

This is usually "Fast Attack Cruiser" or "Destroyer." Name players will see when this ship attacks them or is used in a quest. DO NOT change this, it will lose the file.