The story in Origins wasn't very good but so was the story in Inquisition. You had so many more options in the game, even a warrior had nuance unlike in Inquisition where you had ~7 useful abilities. You had support magic, healing magic, buffs and debuffs. Origin had interesting gameplay, playing as a mage or archer wasn't just "Stand back, keep the fire button held down and cast your specials once they are ready". What say you GAF? Which was your favourite and why? However, if I could only ever replay one of the games, I think I'd choose Inquisition - Origins just feels a little dated now. One the one hand, at the time I think I got more out of Origins. I find it hard to decide which game I like best. However, I really love the world and environments in Inquisition, and just running around collecting stuff is actually fun (though I concede that there is a bit too much ubi-collect nonsense going on). The story is good, but again I preferred the storyline for Origins - somehow, the story in Inquisition seems a little disjointed and less important to the overall game. The characters are definitely interesting, though on balance I prefer the crew from Origins. I loved the massive, open zones, and the vibrant graphics really helped give it a sense of immersion. When the game was released I had a few problems and eventually started again from scratch, but in the end I really enjoyed it. So anyway, when Dragon Age: Inquisition was announced I was really excited to me, it looked like a semi-open world version of Dragon Age: Origins (which to some extent it is). I never played Dragon Age 2 because every screenshot and video looked like a drab, brown mess and (rightly or wrongly) I chose to skip it. I also liked the variety of the zones I don't remember noticing any level scaling, and I had some amazing battles with some epic dragons and bosses. Although quite narrow in terms of level design, the branching 'hub' aspects of the world really made it feel open-ended, particularly with its great side quests and NPC storylines. So cue my wife buying me a copy of Dragon Age: Origins for my birthday just after it came out, and not really knowing what to expect, I found it to be a fantastic game, with a great story, interesting characters and absolutely tonnes of depth. I had played a few Bioware games before (KotOR and Mass Effect) but I don't think (at the time at least) I had played any 'medieval' Bioware RPGs.

Back in the day Dragon Age: Origins was a bit of a welcome surprise for me.